Friday, June 23, 2023

Getting Ready -- June 23



Health and Healthcare in France

                                                 July 2023

This is me.  My name is Sarah Kercsmar and I am faculty member at the University of Kentucky in the College of Health Sciences. 

Last fall, one of my University of Kentucky College of Health Sciences colleagues, Dr. Christy Brady, asked me if I would consider being the second faculty member on a study abroad trip to Paris if a certain number of students signed up to go.  I was interested, but... 

I wanted to make sure my family was on board -- it's no small undertaking to be gone for 3 weeks with 2 kids, a dog, and a husband at home.  I am so very fortunate to have such an awesome partner in Joe who said -- "it was one of your dreams to study abroad...and it seems like it's been dropped in your lap.  You should go!"   Zane, my soon-to-be high schooler, said "bring me a croissant and a's all good." Kiersten, my soon-to-be 5th grader, wasn't quite as sure to start out -- but, she's excited now and can't wait to hear about all the "yummy desserts" I'll get to try. 

Fast forward to now, and it's almost go time.  We leave on July 1.

While I'm sure I'll share some pics on social media while I'm gone, I'll likely have much more to say than is appropriate or acceptable in that forum -- thus, this blog is born!  Follow along on my adventures in Paris next month.  It'll probably be part professional, part personal, and lots of odds and ends in between.   

The Last Day -- July 21

I'm all checked in for my flight in the morning, largely packed, and have a free day today for last minute fun before a farewell dinner ...